Monday, January 19, 2009

Marketing Campaign email - The Opt-In List

Marketing Campaign email - How To Build A List That pays

When starting any online business there is one thing that MUST be factor in, and that’s the opt-in list, the email database. I’m sure you must have heard the stories by now, how internet marketing experts can send out a single email and make more money than most people make in a year.

Its madness when you think about it, sounds a little too good to be true, and for most people it is. But, if you knew the secret that those experts don't (will not) tell you, don’t you think you could get the same results?

Marketing Campaign email Opt-in Tip 1

Most people make a mistake when thinking about building a mailing list, they think wealth comes from the size of the list itself, “the bigger the list the better”, but it really isn't. It comes to the quality of the people on your list, and by that I mean, people who buy when you send out an email.

If they don't buy they're just another number in your list. You could have over a million subscribers, but if they don’t buy anything, well, you don’t make any money.

So, what is this secret?

Well, there isn’t one, there never has been one, and if there is, it’s never been more complex than having a list of people who are willing to hand over money when you invite them to. It’s the building bocks of marketing and email, but for some reason many people have forgotten that.

Marketing Campaign email opt-in Fact

However, here’s the rub. You know by filling your list full to the top of subscribers is only going to leave you with a big list, and will they buy? Probably not. The fact of the matter is, only 1-2% will respond to an email. It’s like that for most marketers, and of course, that's OK if your opt-in list is huge. But imagine sending an email to a list of 2,500 people and getting 10% of them to buy? That's 250 sales.

Or, putting it a different way:

You want to make 250 sales, but you know that you only get 1-2% response per email campaign.

So, you’ll need at less 25,000 people on your list.

On the flip side…

You have 2,500 buyers on your list who buy like crazy whenever you email out.

Which list would you want? The one you have to work harder for, or the one you don’t?

Surprisingly, it’s not that difficult to get a list of 2,500 buyers, in fact, it’s actually easier. And to tell the truth, most people with massive lists don't even get a 1-2% response from their email campaign. It's more like 0.05%. Meaning you'd have to work like a mad man to build an opt-in list of 500,000 people to get those 250 sales. It’s just a waste of time, of which you could be spending on improving other parts of your business.

Marketing Campaign email opt-in Tip 2

Offer a mini course to your subscribers worth $37 and charge them $1 or $7 to sign-up. By making them pay to subscribe to your newsletter you are increasing your chances of getting more buyers into your list. They will be people with money, and people who are willing to pay for the information in your niche.

If you’re stuck for creating a mini course, you can always pick up PLR products on your niche and break them down. They don’t cost much, but you will need to rewrite them.

Anyway, the moral for this article “ Marketing Campaign email ” is this…

The answer to how to build a list that pays you money, is build a list of buyers.

About the author:
Dan Murray
Business Otpions No.1
Article Source:

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